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Defending Champion POLO PARK ZURICH at the POLO RIDER CUP

The defending Champion, Polo Park Zurich, will join Las Brisas Polo Club of Chicago (USA), Hamburger Polo Club (GER), Evviva Polo St. Moritz (SUI), Deauville International Polo Club (FRA) and Polo Club of Chantilly in the field of the 2022 POLO RIDER CUP, which will be held from 8 to 18 June 2022 at the Polo Club of Chantilly, north of Paris (France).  

The Polo Park Zurich team will comprise the following players:

1. Richard Harris (0), USA

2. Elena Venot (+1), FRA

3. Miguel Amieva (+4), ARG

4. Min Podesta (+7), ARG


Richard HarrisCaptain of Polo Park Zurich, comments: “It is a great honor to defend our Polo Rider Cup title this coming year!  This is quickly becoming one of the top polo tournaments in the world and we are impressed with the organization and thoughtful attention to detail that Benoît Perrier and Olivier Godallier of GAME POLO have put into the tournament.  Our team is prepared, ready to play, and most importantly to have fun.  We look forward to seeing everyone again in June.”

Sébastien Le Page, President of Polo Park Zurich, commentsIt is with mixed feelings of pleasure, pride and anxiety that Polo Park Zürich comes to defend its title at the POLO RIDER CUP 2022. Having won the first installment means that all the other teams will be gunning for us this year! But the strong foundation of Min Podesta, who just qualified PPZ for the Triple Crown in Argentina, Elena Venot, who won for PPZ, amongst others, the Women Open de France in Chantilly, and Richard Harris, who captained PPZ brilliantly last year in the POLO RIDER CUP, gives the team a chance to perform well. They are joined by Miguel Amieva, who is building a very strong relationship with PPZ as we work on a reciprocal deal between his club in Mallorca and PPZ. Unfortunately, the questionable increase in handicap of Tachu Solari in France means that he cannot defend his title. However, we are confident that PPZ will be well represented on and off-the field by these extremely talented individuals. Hopp PPZ!”

Benoît Perrier, CEO & Co-Founder of GAME POLO, comments: “Polo Park Zurich are back in 2022 to defend their title. The team will have three players of the 2021 edition with their Captain, Richard Harris, Min Podesta, one of the best players in the competition, who won La Camara de Diputados in Argentina, and Elena Venot, the best female French player. The last player is the strong back Miguel Amieva, a very experienced and well mounted player. Horsepower is one of their strong points, with ponies from the Zurich organization. We thank Richard Harris and the president Sébastien Lepage for this new participation in 2022. Polo Park Zurich is a very active and international club in Europe with a strong organization and facilities, a long polo history and an excellent social and club life. Zurich is one of the best towns for its quality of life in Europe.”

For more information, please contact GAME POLO at: 
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