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The new POLO+10 WORLD is published

Short, condensed, intense – this sums up the 2020 polo season! Nevertheless, we were offered numerous polo highlights.

It was a challenging 2020 polo season, with the omen often pointing to storm. It is all the more astonishing that, in the end, the review is consistently positive. Not only the team from Polo Park Zurich responded to the challenges of the pandemic with a perfect mix of flexibility, resilience and creativity, but in fact, the entire world of polo sports adapted with these attributes to unpredictable and frequently changing regulations that impacted  travel and event organization of the 2020 polo season.

One of the highlights was the Swiss Medium Goal Championship in Zurich, in which visitors were pampered with high-class games and South American flair. And with the German Low Goal Championship 2020 in Berlin, the first great tournament of the German Polo season was able to take place despite the pandemic restrictions.

Fortunately, the signs are now pointing towards optimism for the next season. There was even a tournament premiere to celebrate in June 2021: With twelve teams from eight countries, the first edition of the Polo Rider Cup in Chantilly, France, turned out to be a success and received a lot of media attention.

The anticipation remains and we hope for ride and play through a less stormy season.

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Thomas Wirth
Founder POLO+10


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POLO+10 WORLD 2021 II Desktop

POLO+10 WORLD 2021 II Mobile


Tournaments and people, polo science and lifestyle – the new issue of POLO+10 WORLD brings you stories from the whole polo universe.

+++ PPZ Best Of: The unexpected successful polo season 2020Who would have expected 2020 to turn into such a success, while half of the world was being put on hold due to the COVID19 pandemic? Navigating between the constantly changing regulations was challenging; resilience was our magic ingredient, flexibility our secret touch and creativity wrapped it all up. +++ Swiss Medium Goal ChampionshipAs we encountered delay in the season with late arrival of petiseros and horses, the Swiss Medium Goal was moved from its initial June date to August. Nevertheless, four competitive teams applied and fought hard to win the coveted title of Swiss Champion Medium Goal. +++ Rolls-Royce Motor CarsUpon announcing that Rolls-Royce equips its motor cars with a refrigerator that has two cooling modes: “Summer” and “Winter”, thus ensuring occupants’ beverages are delivered at the optimum temperature for the relevant season, the marque has witnessed significant interest in the myths and legends that endear so many to the brand. In this spirit, the time is now to reveal more of the truths that have defined the modern Rolls-Royce success story. +++ Polo RulesIf you know the basic rules, you will quickly find your way into the game, even as a polo novice. Here are the basics of the fast-paced sport at a glance, a short polo crash course for newcomers. +++ Polo Rider CupThe first edition of the POLO RIDER CUP, was held from 10 to 20 June and hosted 12 teams from 8 different countries. +++ The Prince of Wales’s Championship CupGuards Polo Club launches The Prince of Wales’s Championship Cup New 22-goal tournament will be played from 1 – 22 August 2021. +++ Neil Andrew Egerton: Best Of PoloNeil Egerton (The Edge) Photographer, Cinematographer, Video Director. +++ Julia Greb: Healthy muscle development in horsesHorse expert “Julia Greb” about how to ensure healthy muscle building. +++ Marcos Uranga (1936-2021)Founder and first president of the Federation of International Polo, Marcos Uranga has worked a lifetime on promoting, organizing and spreading the word about the sport of polo. +++ Regent Seven Seas Cruises®Published Itineraries to be Preserved for Majority of Ships, plus New Sailings Created in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. +++ Cartier: The double C de Cartier bagWe are pleased to present the Double-C de Cartier campaign with the following influencers: Veronika Heilbrunner, Belen Hostalet, Chriselle Lim, Erika Boldrin, Geraldine Boublil, Denni Elias, Leia Sfez, Mthayel Al Ali and Yoyo Cao. +++

© Thomas Wirth

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